How to Fix Subwoofer Cuts Out When the Bass Hits: A Complete Guide

Do you love listening to music or watching movies with a powerful and realistic bass sound? If so, you probably have a subwoofer in your sound system. But what if your subwoofer suddenly stops working or produces no sound when the music or movie has a loud or deep bass sound? This can be very frustrating and disappointing, especially when you want to enjoy your sound system at its full potential.

This is a common problem that many subwoofer owners face. It is called subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits. But why does your subwoofer cut out when the bass hits? And how can you fix it?

In this article, we will answer these questions and show you some possible causes and solutions for this problem. By the end of this article, you will be able to diagnose and repair your subwoofer and enjoy your sound system again.

Causes of Subwoofer Cuts Out When the Bass Hits

There are several possible causes for a subwoofer cutting out when the bass hits. Here are some of the most common ones:

Overload Protection

Overload protection is a feature that some subwoofers have to prevent damage to the speaker or amplifier due to excessive power or heat. When the subwoofer detects that it is receiving too much power or getting too hot, it will automatically shut off or reduce its output until it cools down or receives less power.

This can happen when you play music or movies with very loud or deep bass sounds that exceed the capacity of your subwoofer. It can also happen when you set the volume, gain, or bass boost too high on your source device, amplifier, or subwoofer.

Low Voltage

Low voltage is a condition that occurs when your subwoofer does not receive enough electrical power from your source device, amplifier, or battery. This can cause your subwoofer to cut out when the bass hits because it cannot produce enough sound output.

This can happen when you use low-quality or damaged cables or wires that cause voltage drops or shorts. It can also happen when you use an amplifier that is too weak for your subwoofer or a battery that is too old or drained.

Loose Connection

A loose connection is a condition that occurs when your subwoofer is not properly connected to your source device, amplifier, or speaker terminals. This can cause your subwoofer to cut out when the bass hits because it loses contact with the audio signal.

This can happen when you use cables or wires that are too thin, too long, or poorly connected. It can also happen when you move or bump your subwoofer and cause the cables or wires to come loose.

Solutions for Subwoofer Cuts Out When the Bass Hits

If you have identified that your subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits, you have several options to fix it. Here are some of the most effective solutions for this problem:

Adjust Your Settings

One of the simplest solutions for subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits the problem is to adjust your settings on your source device, amplifier, or subwoofer. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Turn down the volume, gain, or bass boost on your source device, amplifier, or subwoofer until you find a level that does not cause your subwoofer to cut out.
  • Check the crossover frequency on your amplifier or subwoofer and set it to a lower value that matches your subwoofer’s specifications and preferences.
  • Check the phase switch on your amplifier or subwoofer and set it to 0 degrees or 180 degrees depending on which one gives you better sound quality and performance.

Check Your Power Supply

Another possible solution for the subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits the problem is to check your power supply and make sure that your subwoofer is receiving enough electrical power. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Use a multimeter to measure the voltage of your source device, amplifier, or battery and compare it with their rated voltage.
  • Use high-quality and thick cables or wires that can deliver enough power to your subwoofer without causing voltage drops or shorts.
  • Use an amplifier that has enough power output and impedance rating for your subwoofer or a battery that has enough charge and capacity for your system.

Check Your Connection

Another possible solution for the subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits the problem is to check your connection and make sure that your subwoofer is properly connected to your source device, amplifier, or speaker terminals. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Use short and shielded cables or wires that can prevent interference and noise from affecting your audio signal.
  • Use the correct connectors and polarity for your cables or wires and make sure that they are securely plugged into your devices and terminals.
  • Avoid placing your cables or wires near any metal objects, such as furniture, pipes, or ducts, that may act as antennas and amplify the interference.
  • Avoid moving or bumping your subwoofer and causing the cables or wires to come loose.


Here are some frequently asked questions about subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits.

Q: How can I prevent my subwoofer from cutting out when the bass hits?

A: There are some preventive measures that you can take to avoid subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits a problem, such as:

  • Matching: This is when you choose an amplifier and a subwoofer that have compatible power ratings and impedance levels. This can ensure optimal performance and safety of your system.
  • Setting: This is when you adjust the settings of your amplifier and your subwoofer according to their specifications and recommendations. This can prevent overload protection, distortion, or overheating of your system.
  • Wiring: This is when you use high-quality and thick cables or wires that can deliver enough power and signal to your subwoofer without causing voltage drops, shorts, or interference.
  • Protecting: This is when you place your subwoofer in a secure and ventilated location. This can prevent physical impact or damage to your system.

Q: Can I use a capacitor for my subwoofer?

A: A capacitor is a device that can store electrical energy and release it when needed. It can help smooth out the power supply and prevent voltage drops or spikes that may affect the sound quality or damage your devices.

You can use a capacitor for your subwoofer if you want to improve its performance and protect it from low voltage. However, a capacitor may not be able to solve ground loop interference or electromagnetic interference that may cause noise in your subwoofer. For these problems, you may need to use other solutions, such as an audio isolation transformer or moving your subwoofer away from interference sources.

Q: Can I use a subsonic filter for my subwoofer?

A: A subsonic filter is a device that can filter out very low-frequency sounds that are below the human hearing range. It can help improve the sound quality and efficiency of your subwoofer by preventing it from wasting power on sounds that you cannot hear.

You can use a subsonic filter for your subwoofer if you want to optimize its performance and protect it from overload protection. However, a subsonic filter may not be able to solve loose connection or faulty voice coil that may cause noise in your subwoofer. For these problems, you may need to use other solutions, such as checking your connection or replacing the voice coil or the whole subwoofer.


Subwoofer cuts out when the bass hits is a common problem that can affect the sound quality and power of your system. You can identify this problem by checking for symptoms such as no sound, low sound, or distorted sound. You can fix this problem by adjusting your settings, checking your power supply, or checking your connection.

We hope this article was helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below. And if you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family who might benefit from it. Thank you for reading and happy listening!

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